I was initially introduced to yoga by my mother who practiced Pranayama Yoga when I was very young, and eventually came to my own hatha yoga practice in 1991. I started teaching in 1999. Now, I’m a Yasodhara Yoga Teacher and teach The Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Dream Yoga classes, workshops and satsangs in the Yasodhara Yoga tradition. I’m also a CPD teacher for the British Wheel of Yoga, with whom I trained in 2000-2003.

My Yasodhara journey started in May 2015 when I discovered one of Swami Radha’s books in the local library (In the Company of the Wise), and by the time I was half way through, knew that I had to go to Yasodhara Ashram (in British Columbia Canada) to do the three month Yoga Development Course, which I attended in 2016. I returned to the UK after a five month stay. I went back to the ashram in 2017 for the Dream and Kundalini Training, in 2018 for the Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga Training, and in October 2019 took four of my friends and students to the ashram, three of whom participated in the 10 Days of Yoga Journey and one, in the One Month Karma Yoga Programme

The Yasodhara teachings have changed my life in extraordinary ways, and continue to do so. I am deeply committed to bringing them forward in my European community, both in person and on line, so that others can experience these transformational practices.

For details of classes and workshops and any other information email: jane.a@yasodharayoga.org